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:: Saturday, September 27, 2003 ::

I first heard Shashi Tharoor speak at the opening ceremony of NMUN 2002, and I was impressed by his candor and his articulate speaking style. As a higher-up at the UN, he's of course got a pro-UN agenda to push whenever he speaks or writes publicly in defense of the organization, but I find his arguments nonetheless compelling and worth heeding. Here's his latest article in Foreign Affairs. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if Tharoor turns up some day as UN Secretary-General.

:: WL 9/27/2003 02:52:00 AM [+]

:: Friday, September 26, 2003 ::
While your were sleeping

A shout out to the Homies in NY- word just got out here in Paris that the eminent scholar and critic,
Dr. Edward Said has passed away.

This is a sad day indeed for all parts of the world no matter where you stand or what you believe in.


:: MC 9/26/2003 08:20:00 AM [+]

:: Wednesday, September 24, 2003 ::
Lawyers do what they do best: litigate!

Law schools that do not allow recruiters with discriminatory policies on campus are suing to overturn the Solomon Amendment. The amendment requires all universities that receive federal aid to allow military recruiters on campus. Since the military discriminates against homosexuals under "don't ask, don't tell", the law schools (and by extension all schools) have a valid shot at getting rid of this stupid provision, which is similar to some provisions of the No Child Left Behind Act (requiring disclosure of student records to recruiters). Maybe the courts will rule against No Child Left Behind's military provision as well. That's not to say I'm against military recruiters on campus, but the decision to let them come should be left to school administrators, not Congress.

(see also: The Misedumacation of George W. Bush)

:: WL 9/24/2003 10:41:00 AM [+]

:: Monday, September 22, 2003 ::
First Amendment? What's that?

Hunter students snub the ACLU at last week's on-campus event.

:: WL 9/22/2003 11:32:00 AM [+]

:: Sunday, September 21, 2003 ::
The Misedumacation of George W. Bush

Surprise! "No Child Left Behind" is leaving children behind by creating unfair burdens on schools. It's not that teachers, administrators, and lawmakers don't want higher education standards, it's that the Bush administration isn't giving schools enough money to meet these new standards. $87 billion for Iraq? How about $87 billion for the schools of Harlem and South Central?

On a side note, did you know the NCLB law requires disclosure of students' information to military recruiters? (I might have sent this item out before on infOrgasm e-mail.)

:: WL 9/21/2003 03:49:00 PM [+]

:: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 ::
Jim Kessler, a private DC consultant, has written a good article for UPI examining Wesley Clark's chances as a presidential candidate.

:: WL 9/17/2003 09:17:00 AM [+]

:: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 ::
A collection of recent education articles from the NY Times of relevance to CUNY:

High Tuition Debts and Low Pay Drain Public Interest Law ...could law school debt cancellation become the most popular solutin?

Study Finds Athletes Have Little Connection to Student Life ...more fuel in the debate about football vs. science labs.

On the Heights, a Chill Wind Begins to Blow ...on Columbia University's expansion effort; CUNY campuses thinking about expansion can undoubtedly learn from this experience.

CUNY Enrollment Increases to Highest Level Since 1975 ...CUNY claims that the tuition hike hasn't driven all that many students away, but I think the hikes are a red herring - the real question is, can CUNY effectively sustain such high enrollment given its pittance of state/federal funding?

When Books Break the Bank ...on the rising cost of college textbooks. Whatever happened to the idea of a Hunter used-book collective or co-op?

:: WL 9/16/2003 09:03:00 AM [+]

:: Thursday, September 11, 2003 ::

:: WL 9/11/2003 09:55:00 AM [+]

:: Wednesday, September 10, 2003 ::
NJ federal judge orders lawyer to go back to law school. Finally, tort reform that works...

:: WL 9/10/2003 10:48:00 PM [+]


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